Fair Use

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We would like to let you know that, does not own any material presented on the website.
We have used and shared material under the Fair Use Policy. The material shared on our site is for promotional purposes only.

We do not recommend, Nor allow printing them out. Instead, we request the users of these PDFs to buy the Official Books from the approved official publisher's stores.

We also do not suggest the users/visitors to share and sell these materials to others.

Now, the question arises, from where do we get these materials?

We have three sources of collecting the material.

  1. We take the material that is publicly available on the Web. Such as,
    • Websites

    • Social Media
    • Facebook
    • WhatsApp
    • Telegram
  2. Sent to us by the users/visitors.
  3. Sent to us personally by the teachers.

We just collect and share on our site.

We would like to let the world know that we do not own any rights. Still, all the rights belong to their respective owners.

We again say, The material shared on our site is for promotional purposes only. We do not recommend, Nor allow printing them out. Instead, we request the users to buy the Official Books from the approved official publisher's stores.

But If you still have any issue, or want us to remove some of the material from, You can contact us Via DMCA page.